Putting numbers on it destroys the entire concept.
Something the average rank and file JW puts on the "don't ask, don't tell" shelf in their mind is this: The 1,000 years are NOT the promised paradise. The paradise doesn't come until after the final test when somehow, (don't ask this, either), Satan has managed to influence billions (they are described as like the sands of the seashore surrounding God's people) AGAIN into persecuting the good guys during a final period of testing. THEN, he and the baddies will be destroyed for good and the uber-Dubs will be able to live in paradise.
The 1,000 year conversion work is going to occur and yet result in a world full of opposers. The preching work is destined to fail then just like it fails now. It's in the Revelation book. It's published doctrine. But you couldn't find one JW in 500 who would tell you this when describing the 1,000 year reign of Christ because it looks suspiciously like two Armageddons, which is not a part (officially) of the WT doctrine.
Long story short, the WT doctrine on the Millennium and Armageddon and all that crap is a convoluted mess that even the most devout JW doesn't understand.